Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2021
Generated 01-Sep-2021 00:00 MDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2021
Total Hits 28245
Total Files 24130
Total Pages 26095
Total Visits 21
Total KBytes 1846323
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 145
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 37 308
Hits per Day 911 1843
Files per Day 778 1195
Pages per Day 841 1560
Visits per Day 0 5
KBytes per Day 59559 90967
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 24130
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 6
Code 304 - Not Modified 90
Code 403 - Forbidden 6
Code 404 - Not Found 4013

Daily usage for August 2021

Daily Statistics for August 2021
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1248 4.42% 951 3.94% 1181 4.53% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 81126 4.39%
2 1082 3.83% 888 3.68% 1020 3.91% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 76520 4.14%
3 1153 4.08% 982 4.07% 1083 4.15% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 74673 4.04%
4 1210 4.28% 961 3.98% 1146 4.39% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 69920 3.79%
5 1133 4.01% 1087 4.50% 1108 4.25% 2 9.52% 2 100.00% 77593 4.20%
6 1183 4.19% 1118 4.63% 1140 4.37% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 79120 4.29%
7 725 2.57% 629 2.61% 689 2.64% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 48128 2.61%
8 1026 3.63% 649 2.69% 796 3.05% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 53493 2.90%
9 697 2.47% 529 2.19% 636 2.44% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 34966 1.89%
10 827 2.93% 659 2.73% 757 2.90% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 51425 2.79%
11 751 2.66% 687 2.85% 706 2.71% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 61499 3.33%
12 625 2.21% 574 2.38% 583 2.23% 2 9.52% 1 50.00% 38074 2.06%
13 1202 4.26% 1150 4.77% 1152 4.41% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 90967 4.93%
14 455 1.61% 390 1.62% 400 1.53% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 39925 2.16%
15 655 2.32% 580 2.40% 608 2.33% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 38823 2.10%
16 1148 4.06% 1116 4.62% 1116 4.28% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 81324 4.40%
17 1175 4.16% 1121 4.65% 1124 4.31% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 82042 4.44%
18 441 1.56% 376 1.56% 400 1.53% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 30901 1.67%
19 394 1.39% 343 1.42% 349 1.34% 5 23.81% 1 50.00% 28078 1.52%
20 833 2.95% 720 2.98% 715 2.74% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 54609 2.96%
21 621 2.20% 573 2.37% 574 2.20% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 48827 2.64%
22 721 2.55% 655 2.71% 671 2.57% 2 9.52% 1 50.00% 45511 2.46%
23 944 3.34% 713 2.95% 895 3.43% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 52528 2.85%
24 681 2.41% 611 2.53% 617 2.36% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 48461 2.62%
25 765 2.71% 680 2.82% 698 2.67% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 50220 2.72%
26 1051 3.72% 914 3.79% 944 3.62% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 74368 4.03%
27 1843 6.53% 1113 4.61% 1560 5.98% 2 9.52% 1 50.00% 86330 4.68%
28 1043 3.69% 989 4.10% 1003 3.84% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 71002 3.85%
29 1260 4.46% 1195 4.95% 1210 4.64% 1 4.76% 1 50.00% 88955 4.82%
30 921 3.26% 802 3.32% 839 3.22% 2 9.52% 1 50.00% 48671 2.64%
31 432 1.53% 375 1.55% 375 1.44% 3 14.29% 1 50.00% 38243 2.07%

Hourly usage for August 2021

Hourly Statistics for August 2021
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 39 1228 4.35% 36 1124 4.66% 37 1161 4.45% 2512 77883 4.22%
1 36 1131 4.00% 33 1052 4.36% 34 1078 4.13% 2484 77004 4.17%
2 36 1119 3.96% 32 1012 4.19% 33 1047 4.01% 2186 67772 3.67%
3 35 1100 3.89% 31 967 4.01% 32 1014 3.89% 2603 80696 4.37%
4 36 1141 4.04% 32 1007 4.17% 33 1053 4.04% 2522 78173 4.23%
5 37 1175 4.16% 34 1056 4.38% 35 1100 4.22% 2507 77731 4.21%
6 37 1164 4.12% 34 1064 4.41% 35 1092 4.18% 3120 96713 5.24%
7 43 1352 4.79% 32 1000 4.14% 36 1119 4.29% 2287 70912 3.84%
8 45 1415 5.01% 36 1137 4.71% 42 1316 5.04% 2537 78634 4.26%
9 40 1246 4.41% 34 1079 4.47% 37 1174 4.50% 2698 83626 4.53%
10 36 1140 4.04% 32 1013 4.20% 34 1081 4.14% 2556 79229 4.29%
11 35 1114 3.94% 32 997 4.13% 33 1040 3.99% 2595 80440 4.36%
12 35 1112 3.94% 32 993 4.12% 33 1044 4.00% 2701 83736 4.54%
13 34 1080 3.82% 31 974 4.04% 32 1021 3.91% 2518 78070 4.23%
14 40 1247 4.41% 30 946 3.92% 37 1173 4.50% 2666 82651 4.48%
15 40 1251 4.43% 32 997 4.13% 36 1123 4.30% 2260 70057 3.79%
16 40 1262 4.47% 29 907 3.76% 36 1131 4.33% 2137 66256 3.59%
17 38 1195 4.23% 28 883 3.66% 35 1103 4.23% 2214 68642 3.72%
18 38 1207 4.27% 35 1094 4.53% 36 1145 4.39% 2369 73437 3.98%
19 32 1005 3.56% 29 909 3.77% 30 942 3.61% 2015 62467 3.38%
20 32 1010 3.58% 29 915 3.79% 30 942 3.61% 2288 70928 3.84%
21 35 1109 3.93% 32 1010 4.19% 33 1053 4.04% 2691 83418 4.52%
22 43 1337 4.73% 32 993 4.12% 35 1110 4.25% 2604 80720 4.37%
23 35 1105 3.91% 32 1001 4.15% 33 1033 3.96% 2488 77125 4.18%

Top 30 of 145 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 20475 72.49% 1558399 84.41% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 1156 4.09% 8804 0.48% /
3 188 0.67% 10629 0.58% /stats/usage_202108.html
4 99 0.35% 490 0.03% /zmain.htm
5 82 0.29% 177 0.01% /zid24.html
6 80 0.28% 78 0.00% /zid23.html
7 80 0.28% 336 0.02% /zid28.html
8 80 0.28% 259 0.01% /zid8.html
9 77 0.27% 513 0.03% /zid4.html
10 75 0.27% 180 0.01% /zid5.html
11 75 0.27% 350 0.02% /zid7.html
12 73 0.26% 163 0.01% /zid17.html
13 73 0.26% 318 0.02% /zid20.html
14 70 0.25% 128 0.01% /zid18.html
15 70 0.25% 150 0.01% /zid9.html
16 52 0.18% 94 0.01% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
17 43 0.15% 49 0.00% /style.css
18 38 0.13% 260 0.01% /docs/zen.htm
19 35 0.12% 345 0.02% /2004.htm
20 35 0.12% 145 0.01% /docs/retire.htm
21 34 0.12% 252 0.01% /docs/20070509Pres.htm
22 34 0.12% 950 0.05% /docs/eeoc.htm
23 33 0.12% 33 0.00% /docs/special20090123.htm
24 32 0.11% 114 0.01% /docs/200608Pres.htm
25 32 0.11% 38 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
26 31 0.11% 73 0.00% /zid6.html
27 29 0.10% 165 0.01% /docs/LEG2005.HTM
28 27 0.10% 93 0.01% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
29 20 0.07% 94885 5.14% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
30 19 0.07% 262 0.01% /docs/20130502-ratif_ltr1.pdf

Top 10 of 145 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 20475 72.49% 1558399 84.41% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 20 0.07% 94885 5.14% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
3 11 0.04% 41157 2.23% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
4 14 0.05% 32460 1.76% /docs/DOC112216-11222016183005.pdf
5 188 0.67% 10629 0.58% /stats/usage_202108.html
6 1156 4.09% 8804 0.48% /
7 12 0.04% 8319 0.45% /z2002cba.htm
8 10 0.04% 6609 0.36% /docs/20100522letter0605.pdf
9 18 0.06% 5701 0.31% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
10 9 0.03% 4549 0.25% /docs/2007AnnualMeeting.pdf

Top 5 of 5 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 20475 72.49% 14 66.67% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 1156 4.09% 4 19.05% /
3 32 0.11% 1 4.76% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
4 15 0.05% 1 4.76% /stats/usage_202102.html
5 70 0.25% 1 4.76% /zid9.html

Top 5 of 5 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 20475 72.49% 14 73.68% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 1156 4.09% 2 10.53% /
3 34 0.12% 1 5.26% /docs/20070509Pres.htm
4 10 0.04% 1 5.26% /stats/usage_202007.html
5 10 0.04% 1 5.26% /stats/usage_202010.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 22763 80.59% 19537 80.97% 1503227 81.42% 11 52.38%
2 5482 19.41% 4593 19.03% 343096 18.58% 10 47.62%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 22763 80.59% 19537 80.97% 1503227 81.42% 11 52.38%
2 5482 19.41% 4593 19.03% 343096 18.58% 10 47.62%

Usage by Country for August 2021

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 22763 80.59% 19537 80.97% 1503227 81.42% unresolved
2 5482 19.41% 4593 19.03% 343096 18.58% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01