LOCAL 3599

Sharon Baker, President, (502) 582-5810 - (502) 582-5435/fax

2241 Amboy Drive, Louisville, KY 40256

Greetings Fellow Members, May 2007

So, just what does the President of the Local do?

My job description states that "I shall exercise supervision over the affairs of the Local, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, and see that other officers comply with the responsibilities of their office and Constitutional duties…" Local 3599 is comprised of Local union representatives (stewards) and alternates, who are elected by the bargaining unit membership for a two-year term in each office. With the amendment passed this year, it was made clear that elected representation should be from a member of the respective office. The duties of the steward are spelled out in the Local’s amended Constitution and Bylaws under Article VI, Section 8. This year the membership also voted on an increase in union dues. This increase took effect January 2007 along with increase by AFGE and Council 216. Our Local had not increased dues for nearly 8 years while AFGE dues continued to increase leaving the Local with less money to manage the Local.

I work with the Stewards when they contact me about issues(s) that requires Impact and Implementation (I&I). During the union calendar year (July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007), I have discussed I&I issues involving changing intake procedures in the Miami DO, Charlotte DO, Greensboro LO, Birmingham DO, Louisville AO; changes in the member’s hours of work in Jackson AO, Birmingham DO; changes in work processes in Miami DO and Birmingham DO; details and training issues in the Birmingham DO, Miami DO, and Tampa FO. This list does not include any informal discussions with various office directors/managers regarding bargaining unit member’s concerns. I am currently reviewing the impact of the District Offices implementation of their systemic plan. Council 216 had to file a ULP against all the District Offices for failure to provide the union with a copy of their systemic plan. If it is determined that there is an impact on the members then proper discussion will take place and your office representatives will be involved. I am contacted by Council 216, other local presidents, and Local 3599 stewards when there is a question related to personnel issues. I previously worked 10 years as a Human Resources Specialist and Generalist and I am available to share my resources for the good of the union. I have met with various offices and their members via teleconference.

The results of I&I and informal discussions have been very positive for the bargaining unit members. After the steward and myself become involved with management with I&I, the union’s interests are generally accepted and changes are made that benefit the bargaining unit members. There are times when members contact me directly wanting my assistance. It is my practice to ask the employee if they have contacted their office representative and advise them that I will be contacting the office representative regarding their concern. It is important that with a Local the size of ours that the stewards be allowed to function within the definition of their elected position. However, it is understood that their may be those exceptions whereby my input may be more beneficial and of assistance to the office representative who may be otherwise busy or not available, or when the member believes there is a conflict between them and the office representative.

The job of the President also states that I am "the official spokesperson for the Local and shall organize and supervise any of the Local’s political activity…" Each year during AFGE’s annual legislative convention I along with the two elected delegates, Rachel Shonfeld (Miami DO) and Rhonda Ellison (Nashville AO) go to meet with your elected House and Senate congressional representatives. Before we make the trip I provide the members thru their stewards with a formatted letter that allows for each office to input what their specific concerns are. For the last two years our issues have been the effect of the agency’s reorganization, staffing, the EEOC budget, federal sector, and the National Call Center. These letters are very instrumental in the Local having a voice in congress. The two days spent meeting with congressional staff is very demanding and tiring. This year the Local met with over 20 congressional staff members. Nonetheless, it has proven to be one of the most rewarding processes that the Local is involved. Evidence of the impact of these meetings is in the hearings that have taken place between Congress and the EEOC. I applaud everyone who took the time to sign and submit their office letters. I also would like for you to continue to submit letters to your elected congressional members and join AFGE PAC. They like hearing from you, their constituents, and they listen. (I hope you are getting a copy of the emails sent to the stewards regarding congress and the EEOC. If not please let me know).

One person cannot manage a local alone. Not only do I rely on the efforts of the office representatives, I also have the Executive Board members who assist me. I have utilized the expertise of our Regional Steward, Wendell Sims who is also an Administrative Judge. We collaborate on cases throughout the local on a regular basis. I have directed the Regional Steward to file Unfair Labor Practice (ULP’s) in the Nashville AO and Greenville AO. We both assist the offices in the RESOLVE and grievance process. This year I have participated in RESOLVE with the Louisville AO on two separate cases and I will be assisting the Greenville AO in June 2007 with a unique RESOLVE process that involves the entire office.

Because the Local is spread out among 8 states communication is essential. In August 2006 after the local’s annual meeting, the Local premiered its web page, Stewards are asked to provide office news to be posted to the web page. The membership is also invited to submit articles for the web. Gloria Allen, lst Vice President sends out a request for articles. If you are interested in submitting an article for the web please send it to her. Our goal is to have quarterly updates and to expand the capabilities of the web page to better serve the membership.

As President, I do whatever is necessary for the "Good of the Local." Our Annual meeting will be held in August 2007 in one of our cities to be determined. If you want us to address a specific issue at the meeting please contact your office representative.


Sharon D. Baker, President L3599