Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2023
Generated 01-Feb-2023 00:00 MST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2023
Total Hits 28031
Total Files 25649
Total Pages 26459
Total Visits 36
Total KBytes 2032346
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 181
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 37 192
Hits per Day 904 1718
Files per Day 827 1557
Pages per Day 853 1644
Visits per Day 1 6
KBytes per Day 65560 117987
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 25649
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 11
Code 304 - Not Modified 49
Code 403 - Forbidden 7
Code 404 - Not Found 2315

Daily usage for January 2023

Daily Statistics for January 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1300 4.64% 1129 4.40% 1225 4.63% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 84291 4.15%
2 775 2.76% 623 2.43% 737 2.79% 2 5.56% 2 100.00% 42808 2.11%
3 985 3.51% 930 3.63% 944 3.57% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 65776 3.24%
4 998 3.56% 661 2.58% 937 3.54% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 56658 2.79%
5 627 2.24% 498 1.94% 584 2.21% 2 5.56% 1 50.00% 35982 1.77%
6 1170 4.17% 1136 4.43% 1063 4.02% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 106842 5.26%
7 950 3.39% 905 3.53% 919 3.47% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 91592 4.51%
8 1378 4.92% 1164 4.54% 1352 5.11% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 89165 4.39%
9 655 2.34% 605 2.36% 602 2.28% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 52789 2.60%
10 1549 5.53% 1523 5.94% 1513 5.72% 2 5.56% 1 50.00% 107600 5.29%
11 914 3.26% 878 3.42% 882 3.33% 5 13.89% 1 50.00% 65116 3.20%
12 1560 5.57% 1534 5.98% 1530 5.78% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 116076 5.71%
13 1402 5.00% 1371 5.35% 1376 5.20% 2 5.56% 1 50.00% 104500 5.14%
14 1281 4.57% 1158 4.51% 1178 4.45% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 86896 4.28%
15 1718 6.13% 1557 6.07% 1644 6.21% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 117987 5.81%
16 910 3.25% 878 3.42% 878 3.32% 4 11.11% 1 50.00% 62715 3.09%
17 795 2.84% 756 2.95% 766 2.90% 3 8.33% 1 50.00% 59404 2.92%
18 1081 3.86% 1035 4.04% 1031 3.90% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 77079 3.79%
19 811 2.89% 775 3.02% 784 2.96% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 59532 2.93%
20 582 2.08% 561 2.19% 553 2.09% 2 5.56% 1 50.00% 51257 2.52%
21 361 1.29% 330 1.29% 322 1.22% 4 11.11% 1 50.00% 25169 1.24%
22 347 1.24% 331 1.29% 319 1.21% 6 16.67% 1 50.00% 27897 1.37%
23 682 2.43% 657 2.56% 636 2.40% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 50839 2.50%
24 808 2.88% 774 3.02% 769 2.91% 2 5.56% 1 50.00% 64608 3.18%
25 702 2.50% 675 2.63% 673 2.54% 4 11.11% 1 50.00% 49279 2.42%
26 302 1.08% 273 1.06% 258 0.98% 3 8.33% 1 50.00% 23543 1.16%
27 709 2.53% 662 2.58% 536 2.03% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 84936 4.18%
28 999 3.56% 880 3.43% 943 3.56% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 64092 3.15%
29 633 2.26% 609 2.37% 604 2.28% 2 5.56% 1 50.00% 47219 2.32%
30 542 1.93% 405 1.58% 458 1.73% 5 13.89% 1 50.00% 32676 1.61%
31 505 1.80% 376 1.47% 443 1.67% 1 2.78% 1 50.00% 28022 1.38%

Hourly usage for January 2023

Hourly Statistics for January 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 45 1413 5.04% 42 1324 5.16% 41 1293 4.89% 3024 93753 4.61%
1 41 1294 4.62% 41 1271 4.96% 40 1254 4.74% 3032 93997 4.63%
2 38 1204 4.30% 37 1159 4.52% 37 1153 4.36% 3233 100209 4.93%
3 37 1152 4.11% 36 1123 4.38% 35 1113 4.21% 2831 87774 4.32%
4 40 1246 4.45% 38 1191 4.64% 38 1194 4.51% 2853 88447 4.35%
5 40 1255 4.48% 37 1159 4.52% 37 1159 4.38% 3013 93414 4.60%
6 46 1439 5.13% 41 1272 4.96% 41 1273 4.81% 4088 126718 6.24%
7 44 1388 4.95% 36 1142 4.45% 41 1299 4.91% 2759 85527 4.21%
8 39 1214 4.33% 35 1100 4.29% 37 1159 4.38% 2569 79641 3.92%
9 36 1135 4.05% 34 1077 4.20% 34 1066 4.03% 3016 93485 4.60%
10 38 1178 4.20% 36 1134 4.42% 36 1130 4.27% 2892 89644 4.41%
11 40 1253 4.47% 33 1034 4.03% 38 1192 4.51% 2823 87522 4.31%
12 35 1104 3.94% 30 934 3.64% 34 1056 3.99% 2078 64420 3.17%
13 33 1042 3.72% 27 864 3.37% 31 977 3.69% 2254 69868 3.44%
14 31 984 3.51% 27 840 3.27% 29 903 3.41% 2020 62631 3.08%
15 28 869 3.10% 25 801 3.12% 25 803 3.03% 1923 59598 2.93%
16 27 856 3.05% 25 779 3.04% 25 799 3.02% 1817 56312 2.77%
17 29 925 3.30% 28 878 3.42% 27 852 3.22% 2829 87684 4.31%
18 32 1003 3.58% 31 962 3.75% 30 948 3.58% 2449 75912 3.74%
19 33 1049 3.74% 31 981 3.82% 32 1009 3.81% 2297 71196 3.50%
20 38 1185 4.23% 36 1139 4.44% 36 1132 4.28% 3052 94601 4.65%
21 39 1227 4.38% 38 1180 4.60% 37 1177 4.45% 2824 87533 4.31%
22 42 1302 4.64% 37 1166 4.55% 40 1267 4.79% 3207 99410 4.89%
23 42 1314 4.69% 36 1139 4.44% 40 1251 4.73% 2679 83051 4.09%

Top 30 of 181 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 22720 81.05% 1729272 85.09% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 717 2.56% 5301 0.26% /
3 471 1.68% 32269 1.59% /stats/usage_202301.html
4 96 0.34% 6771 0.33% /stats/usage_202212.html
5 65 0.23% 322 0.02% /zmain.htm
6 56 0.20% 63 0.00% /style.css
7 55 0.20% 56 0.00% /zid23.html
8 54 0.19% 116 0.01% /zid24.html
9 51 0.18% 162 0.01% /zid8.html
10 50 0.18% 207 0.01% /zid28.html
11 49 0.17% 120 0.01% /zid5.html
12 46 0.16% 202 0.01% /zid20.html
13 46 0.16% 309 0.02% /zid4.html
14 45 0.16% 210 0.01% /zid7.html
15 44 0.16% 98 0.00% /zid17.html
16 44 0.16% 90 0.00% /zid9.html
17 38 0.14% 68 0.00% /zid18.html
18 26 0.09% 86 0.00% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
19 24 0.09% 57 0.00% /zid6.html
20 23 0.08% 170 0.01% /docs/20070509Pres.htm
21 22 0.08% 604 0.03% /docs/eeoc.htm
22 21 0.07% 50 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
23 21 0.07% 147 0.01% /docs/zen.htm
24 20 0.07% 94885 4.67% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
25 20 0.07% 23 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
26 19 0.07% 63 0.00% /docs/200608Pres.htm
27 19 0.07% 2516 0.12% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf
28 19 0.07% 20 0.00% /docs/special20090123.htm
29 18 0.06% 5701 0.28% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
30 17 0.06% 167 0.01% /2004.htm

Top 10 of 181 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 22720 81.05% 1729272 85.09% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 20 0.07% 94885 4.67% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
3 14 0.05% 52382 2.58% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
4 471 1.68% 32269 1.59% /stats/usage_202301.html
5 12 0.04% 29963 1.47% /docs/DOC112216-11222016183005.pdf
6 13 0.05% 8592 0.42% /docs/20100522letter0605.pdf
7 96 0.34% 6771 0.33% /stats/usage_202212.html
8 13 0.05% 6571 0.32% /docs/2007AnnualMeeting.pdf
9 18 0.06% 5701 0.28% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
10 717 2.56% 5301 0.26% /

Top 6 of 6 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 22720 81.05% 18 58.06% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 717 2.56% 9 29.03% /
3 3 0.01% 1 3.23% /stats/usage_201903.html
4 1 0.00% 1 3.23% /stats/usage_201906.html
5 471 1.68% 1 3.23% /stats/usage_202301.html
6 45 0.16% 1 3.23% /zid7.html

Top 9 of 9 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 717 2.56% 13 41.94% /
2 22720 81.05% 11 35.48% /stats/usage_201110.html
3 20 0.07% 1 3.23% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
4 7 0.02% 1 3.23% /stats/usage_201304.html
5 3 0.01% 1 3.23% /stats/usage_202104.html
6 471 1.68% 1 3.23% /stats/usage_202301.html
7 50 0.18% 1 3.23% /zid28.html
8 49 0.17% 1 3.23% /zid5.html
9 65 0.23% 1 3.23% /zmain.htm

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 26730 95.36% 24519 95.59% 1947979 95.85% 35 97.22%
2 1301 4.64% 1130 4.41% 84367 4.15% 1 2.78%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 26730 95.36% 24519 95.59% 1947979 95.85% 35 97.22%
2 1301 4.64% 1130 4.41% 84367 4.15% 1 2.78%

Usage by Country for January 2023

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 26730 95.36% 24519 95.59% 1947979 95.85% unresolved
2 1301 4.64% 1130 4.41% 84367 4.15% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01