Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2022
Generated 01-Jan-2023 00:00 MST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2022
Total Hits 38031
Total Files 34987
Total Pages 36375
Total Visits 24
Total KBytes 2679126
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 126
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 51 171
Hits per Day 1226 2029
Files per Day 1128 1844
Pages per Day 1173 1938
Visits per Day 0 11
KBytes per Day 86423 136332
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 34987
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 9
Code 304 - Not Modified 92
Code 403 - Forbidden 7
Code 404 - Not Found 2936

Daily usage for December 2022

Daily Statistics for December 2022
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 794 2.09% 517 1.48% 702 1.93% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 42094 1.57%
2 947 2.49% 880 2.52% 886 2.44% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 66536 2.48%
3 1542 4.05% 1467 4.19% 1483 4.08% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 104105 3.89%
4 1363 3.58% 1172 3.35% 1303 3.58% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 95404 3.56%
5 747 1.96% 638 1.82% 677 1.86% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 58751 2.19%
6 1098 2.89% 1002 2.86% 1042 2.86% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 77151 2.88%
7 1614 4.24% 1505 4.30% 1515 4.16% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 113082 4.22%
8 2029 5.34% 1809 5.17% 1933 5.31% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 135811 5.07%
9 2013 5.29% 1794 5.13% 1938 5.33% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 136332 5.09%
10 1838 4.83% 1750 5.00% 1781 4.90% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 133113 4.97%
11 1943 5.11% 1844 5.27% 1891 5.20% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 135513 5.06%
12 1890 4.97% 1795 5.13% 1806 4.96% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 132574 4.95%
13 1495 3.93% 1436 4.10% 1447 3.98% 3 12.50% 1 50.00% 117019 4.37%
14 445 1.17% 297 0.85% 374 1.03% 11 45.83% 1 50.00% 25906 0.97%
15 1323 3.48% 1219 3.48% 1282 3.52% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 96792 3.61%
16 1593 4.19% 1521 4.35% 1554 4.27% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 109994 4.11%
17 1686 4.43% 1614 4.61% 1643 4.52% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 121702 4.54%
18 1458 3.83% 1391 3.98% 1423 3.91% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 112492 4.20%
19 1537 4.04% 1394 3.98% 1493 4.10% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 107298 4.00%
20 1164 3.06% 1084 3.10% 1089 2.99% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 83322 3.11%
21 206 0.54% 190 0.54% 174 0.48% 2 8.33% 1 50.00% 21349 0.80%
22 211 0.55% 184 0.53% 188 0.52% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 11503 0.43%
23 781 2.05% 726 2.08% 729 2.00% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 50064 1.87%
24 647 1.70% 614 1.75% 622 1.71% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 49466 1.85%
25 827 2.17% 778 2.22% 796 2.19% 2 8.33% 2 100.00% 56384 2.10%
26 839 2.21% 799 2.28% 813 2.24% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 54246 2.02%
27 644 1.69% 380 1.09% 600 1.65% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 33376 1.25%
28 442 1.16% 410 1.17% 363 1.00% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 40342 1.51%
29 1262 3.32% 1227 3.51% 1217 3.35% 2 8.33% 1 50.00% 95598 3.57%
30 1790 4.71% 1716 4.90% 1770 4.87% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 125524 4.69%
31 1863 4.90% 1834 5.24% 1841 5.06% 1 4.17% 1 50.00% 136285 5.09%

Hourly usage for December 2022

Hourly Statistics for December 2022
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 49 1543 4.06% 47 1458 4.17% 47 1477 4.06% 3382 104851 3.91%
1 52 1614 4.24% 44 1385 3.96% 49 1544 4.24% 3350 103844 3.88%
2 50 1568 4.12% 47 1459 4.17% 48 1489 4.09% 3532 109507 4.09%
3 56 1760 4.63% 50 1556 4.45% 54 1679 4.62% 3949 122414 4.57%
4 50 1556 4.09% 47 1472 4.21% 48 1502 4.13% 3525 109284 4.08%
5 55 1729 4.55% 46 1443 4.12% 52 1638 4.50% 3322 102985 3.84%
6 50 1554 4.09% 45 1399 4.00% 48 1495 4.11% 3517 109033 4.07%
7 52 1630 4.29% 49 1542 4.41% 50 1570 4.32% 3705 114854 4.29%
8 47 1474 3.88% 45 1405 4.02% 45 1420 3.90% 3325 103063 3.85%
9 46 1455 3.83% 41 1297 3.71% 45 1395 3.84% 3462 107315 4.01%
10 53 1654 4.35% 47 1484 4.24% 50 1579 4.34% 3694 114514 4.27%
11 49 1548 4.07% 46 1440 4.12% 46 1450 3.99% 3640 112831 4.21%
12 47 1465 3.85% 43 1358 3.88% 44 1394 3.83% 3372 104538 3.90%
13 50 1554 4.09% 44 1387 3.96% 48 1497 4.12% 3502 108575 4.05%
14 47 1483 3.90% 44 1393 3.98% 45 1403 3.86% 3475 107737 4.02%
15 51 1597 4.20% 44 1387 3.96% 46 1454 4.00% 3480 107879 4.03%
16 48 1496 3.93% 46 1429 4.08% 46 1430 3.93% 3493 108287 4.04%
17 53 1652 4.34% 49 1519 4.34% 50 1573 4.32% 3981 123413 4.61%
18 48 1505 3.96% 45 1416 4.05% 47 1460 4.01% 3723 115420 4.31%
19 50 1558 4.10% 47 1473 4.21% 48 1499 4.12% 3607 111808 4.17%
20 51 1583 4.16% 48 1499 4.28% 49 1541 4.24% 3557 110278 4.12%
21 53 1656 4.35% 50 1561 4.46% 51 1589 4.37% 4032 125000 4.67%
22 56 1765 4.64% 53 1658 4.74% 55 1706 4.69% 4028 124868 4.66%
23 52 1632 4.29% 50 1567 4.48% 51 1591 4.37% 3769 116826 4.36%

Top 30 of 126 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 27581 72.52% 2099253 78.36% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 4025 10.58% 297268 11.10% /stats/usage_202210.html
3 1341 3.53% 91440 3.41% /stats/usage_202212.html
4 572 1.50% 4221 0.16% /
5 72 0.19% 82 0.00% /style.css
6 62 0.16% 302 0.01% /zmain.htm
7 51 0.13% 51 0.00% /zid23.html
8 50 0.13% 198 0.01% /zid28.html
9 50 0.13% 149 0.01% /zid8.html
10 50 0.13% 98 0.00% /zid9.html
11 49 0.13% 101 0.00% /zid24.html
12 47 0.12% 197 0.01% /zid20.html
13 47 0.12% 220 0.01% /zid7.html
14 45 0.12% 79 0.00% /zid18.html
15 45 0.12% 107 0.00% /zid5.html
16 43 0.11% 295 0.01% /zid4.html
17 41 0.11% 96 0.00% /zid17.html
18 35 0.09% 921 0.03% /docs/eeoc.htm
19 32 0.08% 107 0.00% /docs/200608Pres.htm
20 27 0.07% 185 0.01% /docs/20070509Pres.htm
21 27 0.07% 100 0.00% /docs/retire.htm
22 25 0.07% 27 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
23 24 0.06% 217 0.01% /2004.htm
24 24 0.06% 162 0.01% /docs/zen.htm
25 24 0.06% 54 0.00% /zid6.html
26 23 0.06% 23 0.00% /docs/special20090123.htm
27 23 0.06% 72 0.00% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
28 18 0.05% 98 0.00% /docs/LEG2005.HTM
29 18 0.05% 44 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
30 15 0.04% 282 0.01% /docs/20100210-where_we_stand.doc

Top 10 of 126 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 27581 72.52% 2099253 78.36% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 4025 10.58% 297268 11.10% /stats/usage_202210.html
3 1341 3.53% 91440 3.41% /stats/usage_202212.html
4 14 0.04% 66419 2.48% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
5 12 0.03% 44899 1.68% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
6 9 0.02% 22473 0.84% /docs/DOC112216-11222016183005.pdf
7 13 0.03% 5560 0.21% /docs/2007AnnualMeeting.pdf
8 8 0.02% 5287 0.20% /docs/20100522letter0605.pdf
9 572 1.50% 4221 0.16% /
10 8 0.02% 2534 0.09% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf

Top 3 of 3 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 27581 72.52% 10 62.50% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 572 1.50% 5 31.25% /
3 4 0.01% 1 6.25% /stats/usage_202211.html

Top 4 of 4 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 27581 72.52% 7 43.75% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 572 1.50% 6 37.50% /
3 4025 10.58% 2 12.50% /stats/usage_202210.html
4 51 0.13% 1 6.25% /zid23.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 32676 85.92% 30143 86.15% 2314519 86.39% 20 83.33%
2 5355 14.08% 4844 13.85% 364607 13.61% 4 16.67%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 32676 85.92% 30143 86.15% 2314519 86.39% 20 83.33%
2 5355 14.08% 4844 13.85% 364607 13.61% 4 16.67%

Usage by Country for December 2022

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 32676 85.92% 30143 86.15% 2314519 86.39% unresolved
2 5355 14.08% 4844 13.85% 364607 13.61% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01