Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2023
Generated 01-Jul-2023 00:00 MDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2023
Total Hits 53075
Total Files 49986
Total Pages 50713
Total Visits 9
Total KBytes 3710256
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 281
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 73 522
Hits per Day 1769 3011
Files per Day 1666 2907
Pages per Day 1690 2938
Visits per Day 0 2
KBytes per Day 123675 206157
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 49986
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 8
Code 304 - Not Modified 70
Code 403 - Forbidden 4
Code 404 - Not Found 3007

Daily usage for June 2023

Daily Statistics for June 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1053 1.98% 1005 2.01% 982 1.94% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 83192 2.24%
2 955 1.80% 903 1.81% 844 1.66% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 82493 2.22%
3 1197 2.26% 1160 2.32% 1147 2.26% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 89005 2.40%
4 1759 3.31% 1717 3.43% 1701 3.35% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 122301 3.30%
5 1761 3.32% 1692 3.38% 1707 3.37% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 125198 3.37%
6 1436 2.71% 1388 2.78% 1391 2.74% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 104503 2.82%
7 629 1.19% 554 1.11% 563 1.11% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 43740 1.18%
8 1251 2.36% 1196 2.39% 1204 2.37% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 112094 3.02%
9 1298 2.45% 1229 2.46% 1226 2.42% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 87596 2.36%
10 1418 2.67% 1338 2.68% 1356 2.67% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 92376 2.49%
11 1728 3.26% 1629 3.26% 1668 3.29% 2 22.22% 2 100.00% 118928 3.21%
12 2143 4.04% 2012 4.03% 2002 3.95% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 158384 4.27%
13 2164 4.08% 2054 4.11% 2062 4.07% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 157693 4.25%
14 2474 4.66% 2415 4.83% 2408 4.75% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 176844 4.77%
15 2804 5.28% 2218 4.44% 2442 4.82% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 161024 4.34%
16 2479 4.67% 2339 4.68% 2409 4.75% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 161794 4.36%
17 2216 4.18% 2106 4.21% 2142 4.22% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 164599 4.44%
18 1346 2.54% 1236 2.47% 1283 2.53% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 89717 2.42%
19 1276 2.40% 1156 2.31% 1171 2.31% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 85195 2.30%
20 730 1.38% 620 1.24% 653 1.29% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 51920 1.40%
21 576 1.09% 511 1.02% 531 1.05% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 40191 1.08%
22 1645 3.10% 1578 3.16% 1602 3.16% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 103600 2.79%
23 2277 4.29% 2127 4.26% 2173 4.28% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 149954 4.04%
24 2043 3.85% 1921 3.84% 1952 3.85% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 138210 3.73%
25 3011 5.67% 2907 5.82% 2938 5.79% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 206157 5.56%
26 2739 5.16% 2661 5.32% 2683 5.29% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 190672 5.14%
27 2638 4.97% 2544 5.09% 2585 5.10% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 182087 4.91%
28 2477 4.67% 2389 4.78% 2425 4.78% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 179977 4.85%
29 1821 3.43% 1773 3.55% 1791 3.53% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 127901 3.45%
30 1731 3.26% 1608 3.22% 1672 3.30% 1 11.11% 1 50.00% 122912 3.31%

Hourly usage for June 2023

Hourly Statistics for June 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 84 2537 4.78% 80 2408 4.82% 81 2446 4.82% 5980 179399 4.84%
1 78 2346 4.42% 74 2239 4.48% 75 2276 4.49% 5325 159762 4.31%
2 76 2308 4.35% 72 2188 4.38% 74 2234 4.41% 5175 155245 4.18%
3 84 2538 4.78% 81 2447 4.90% 81 2455 4.84% 5980 179388 4.83%
4 83 2490 4.69% 79 2377 4.76% 79 2390 4.71% 5655 169642 4.57%
5 79 2382 4.49% 74 2243 4.49% 76 2287 4.51% 5472 164169 4.42%
6 78 2356 4.44% 75 2253 4.51% 74 2232 4.40% 5377 161297 4.35%
7 74 2240 4.22% 70 2112 4.23% 71 2141 4.22% 5700 170992 4.61%
8 72 2177 4.10% 68 2064 4.13% 69 2096 4.13% 5578 167331 4.51%
9 70 2126 4.01% 68 2044 4.09% 68 2048 4.04% 5006 150177 4.05%
10 73 2194 4.13% 69 2081 4.16% 69 2085 4.11% 5461 163826 4.42%
11 75 2250 4.24% 71 2149 4.30% 71 2132 4.20% 5529 165871 4.47%
12 69 2093 3.94% 67 2019 4.04% 66 2005 3.95% 5339 160175 4.32%
13 68 2059 3.88% 66 1980 3.96% 66 1989 3.92% 5319 159558 4.30%
14 63 1904 3.59% 61 1835 3.67% 61 1834 3.62% 4634 139015 3.75%
15 59 1786 3.37% 55 1660 3.32% 55 1667 3.29% 4150 124491 3.36%
16 58 1754 3.30% 54 1631 3.26% 56 1681 3.31% 3943 118297 3.19%
17 56 1701 3.20% 52 1577 3.15% 54 1623 3.20% 3566 106967 2.88%
18 58 1765 3.33% 55 1653 3.31% 56 1699 3.35% 4172 125146 3.37%
19 65 1975 3.72% 61 1851 3.70% 62 1874 3.70% 4317 129502 3.49%
20 74 2231 4.20% 69 2098 4.20% 71 2143 4.23% 4902 147061 3.96%
21 81 2434 4.59% 77 2311 4.62% 78 2347 4.63% 5564 166907 4.50%
22 82 2473 4.66% 77 2338 4.68% 78 2356 4.65% 5669 170062 4.58%
23 98 2956 5.57% 80 2428 4.86% 89 2673 5.27% 5866 175974 4.74%

Top 30 of 281 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 28483 53.67% 2167907 58.43% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 10437 19.66% 670778 18.08% /stats/usage_202306.html
3 7135 13.44% 490503 13.22% /stats/usage_202304.html
4 1099 2.07% 81167 2.19% /stats/usage_202210.html
5 818 1.54% 6173 0.17% /
6 99 0.19% 112 0.00% /style.css
7 75 0.14% 371 0.01% /zmain.htm
8 53 0.10% 365 0.01% /docs/zen.htm
9 43 0.08% 88 0.00% /zid9.html
10 42 0.08% 133 0.00% /zid8.html
11 40 0.08% 5032 0.14% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf
12 40 0.08% 195 0.01% /zid7.html
13 39 0.07% 91 0.00% /zid17.html
14 39 0.07% 159 0.00% /zid28.html
15 39 0.07% 92 0.00% /zid5.html
16 38 0.07% 81 0.00% /zid24.html
17 36 0.07% 143 0.00% /zid20.html
18 35 0.07% 64 0.00% /zid18.html
19 35 0.07% 37 0.00% /zid23.html
20 31 0.06% 8868 0.24% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
21 30 0.06% 211 0.01% /zid4.html
22 26 0.05% 123350 3.32% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
23 25 0.05% 19 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
24 25 0.05% 82 0.00% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
25 24 0.05% 81 0.00% /docs/200608Pres.htm
26 24 0.05% 61 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
27 24 0.05% 24 0.00% /docs/special20090123.htm
28 21 0.04% 83 0.00% /docs/retire.htm
29 19 0.04% 489 0.01% /docs/eeoc.htm
30 18 0.03% 126 0.00% /docs/20070509Pres.htm

Top 10 of 281 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 28483 53.67% 2167907 58.43% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 10437 19.66% 670778 18.08% /stats/usage_202306.html
3 7135 13.44% 490503 13.22% /stats/usage_202304.html
4 26 0.05% 123350 3.32% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
5 1099 2.07% 81167 2.19% /stats/usage_202210.html
6 14 0.03% 52382 1.41% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
7 9 0.02% 22473 0.61% /docs/DOC112216-11222016183005.pdf
8 31 0.06% 8868 0.24% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
9 818 1.54% 6173 0.17% /
10 13 0.02% 5560 0.15% /docs/2007AnnualMeeting.pdf

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 28483 53.67% 7 77.78% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 7135 13.44% 2 22.22% /stats/usage_202304.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 28483 53.67% 7 87.50% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 7135 13.44% 1 12.50% /stats/usage_202304.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 46860 88.29% 44074 88.17% 3268427 88.09% 5 55.56%
2 6215 11.71% 5912 11.83% 441829 11.91% 4 44.44%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 46860 88.29% 44074 88.17% 3268427 88.09% 5 55.56%
2 6215 11.71% 5912 11.83% 441829 11.91% 4 44.44%

Usage by Country for June 2023

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 46860 88.29% 44074 88.17% 3268427 88.09% unresolved
2 6215 11.71% 5912 11.83% 441829 11.91% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01