Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2020
Generated 01-Dec-2020 00:00 MST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2020
Total Hits 14926
Total Files 13317
Total Pages 14107
Total Visits 112
Total KBytes 985337
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 120
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 20 123
Hits per Day 497 1372
Files per Day 443 1291
Pages per Day 470 1337
Visits per Day 3 13
KBytes per Day 32845 89409
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 13317
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 62
Code 404 - Not Found 1546

Daily usage for November 2020

Daily Statistics for November 2020
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 168 1.13% 143 1.07% 147 1.04% 7 6.25% 1 50.00% 13653 1.39%
2 332 2.22% 277 2.08% 299 2.12% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 20428 2.07%
3 336 2.25% 251 1.88% 278 1.97% 1 0.89% 1 50.00% 17627 1.79%
4 298 2.00% 277 2.08% 279 1.98% 5 4.46% 1 50.00% 24913 2.53%
5 571 3.83% 549 4.12% 556 3.94% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 41082 4.17%
6 279 1.87% 139 1.04% 231 1.64% 13 11.61% 1 50.00% 10476 1.06%
7 126 0.84% 112 0.84% 114 0.81% 13 11.61% 1 50.00% 7676 0.78%
8 296 1.98% 186 1.40% 278 1.97% 5 4.46% 1 50.00% 17640 1.79%
9 211 1.41% 198 1.49% 202 1.43% 8 7.14% 1 50.00% 14768 1.50%
10 570 3.82% 551 4.14% 561 3.98% 1 0.89% 1 50.00% 41761 4.24%
11 548 3.67% 530 3.98% 542 3.84% 4 3.57% 1 50.00% 40061 4.07%
12 442 2.96% 436 3.27% 439 3.11% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 32913 3.34%
13 527 3.53% 477 3.58% 476 3.37% 4 3.57% 1 50.00% 34574 3.51%
14 390 2.61% 378 2.84% 385 2.73% 7 6.25% 1 50.00% 28423 2.88%
15 201 1.35% 160 1.20% 161 1.14% 6 5.36% 1 50.00% 14608 1.48%
16 468 3.14% 448 3.36% 451 3.20% 4 3.57% 1 50.00% 32980 3.35%
17 345 2.31% 324 2.43% 330 2.34% 6 5.36% 1 50.00% 23886 2.42%
18 89 0.60% 69 0.52% 73 0.52% 8 7.14% 1 50.00% 4408 0.45%
19 66 0.44% 55 0.41% 58 0.41% 11 9.82% 1 50.00% 3295 0.33%
20 302 2.02% 240 1.80% 264 1.87% 7 6.25% 1 50.00% 13646 1.38%
21 714 4.78% 648 4.87% 675 4.78% 3 2.68% 1 50.00% 45981 4.67%
22 1372 9.19% 1291 9.69% 1337 9.48% 2 1.79% 2 100.00% 89409 9.07%
23 1254 8.40% 1170 8.79% 1209 8.57% 1 0.89% 1 50.00% 83434 8.47%
24 890 5.96% 808 6.07% 859 6.09% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 58038 5.89%
25 888 5.95% 804 6.04% 843 5.98% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 60766 6.17%
26 824 5.52% 740 5.56% 784 5.56% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 51835 5.26%
27 584 3.91% 503 3.78% 552 3.91% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 35148 3.57%
28 713 4.78% 587 4.41% 664 4.71% 1 0.89% 1 50.00% 42935 4.36%
29 354 2.37% 268 2.01% 329 2.33% 3 2.68% 1 50.00% 22396 2.27%
30 768 5.15% 698 5.24% 731 5.18% 2 1.79% 1 50.00% 56576 5.74%

Hourly usage for November 2020

Hourly Statistics for November 2020
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 22 679 4.55% 20 610 4.58% 21 651 4.61% 1483 44486 4.51%
1 21 639 4.28% 19 582 4.37% 20 601 4.26% 1576 47285 4.80%
2 20 629 4.21% 19 570 4.28% 19 586 4.15% 1311 39316 3.99%
3 22 670 4.49% 20 624 4.69% 20 628 4.45% 1604 48108 4.88%
4 21 644 4.31% 19 591 4.44% 20 617 4.37% 1371 41131 4.17%
5 26 784 5.25% 20 622 4.67% 24 746 5.29% 1793 53776 5.46%
6 18 566 3.79% 17 512 3.84% 18 548 3.88% 1258 37744 3.83%
7 23 718 4.81% 19 584 4.39% 22 686 4.86% 1631 48917 4.96%
8 19 587 3.93% 17 539 4.05% 18 542 3.84% 1284 38531 3.91%
9 19 576 3.86% 17 517 3.88% 17 535 3.79% 1290 38693 3.93%
10 15 472 3.16% 13 418 3.14% 14 448 3.18% 1008 30247 3.07%
11 15 455 3.05% 13 399 3.00% 14 435 3.08% 932 27969 2.84%
12 12 387 2.59% 11 351 2.64% 12 374 2.65% 874 26234 2.66%
13 12 389 2.61% 11 345 2.59% 12 365 2.59% 825 24748 2.51%
14 15 477 3.20% 13 400 3.00% 14 428 3.03% 933 27980 2.84%
15 17 515 3.45% 15 454 3.41% 16 482 3.42% 1433 42984 4.36%
16 21 630 4.22% 18 558 4.19% 19 579 4.10% 1243 37305 3.79%
17 19 588 3.94% 18 545 4.09% 19 572 4.05% 1346 40369 4.10%
18 24 731 4.90% 22 675 5.07% 23 704 4.99% 1593 47801 4.85%
19 28 854 5.72% 25 779 5.85% 27 818 5.80% 1769 53073 5.39%
20 23 717 4.80% 21 659 4.95% 23 690 4.89% 1614 48427 4.91%
21 24 722 4.84% 22 667 5.01% 22 689 4.88% 1554 46609 4.73%
22 26 794 5.32% 23 698 5.24% 24 723 5.13% 1654 49606 5.03%
23 23 703 4.71% 20 618 4.64% 22 660 4.68% 1467 43999 4.47%

Top 30 of 120 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11936 79.97% 908476 92.20% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 334 2.24% 2562 0.26% /
3 69 0.46% 342 0.03% /zmain.htm
4 62 0.42% 60 0.01% /zid23.html
5 61 0.41% 258 0.03% /zid28.html
6 61 0.41% 197 0.02% /zid8.html
7 59 0.40% 285 0.03% /zid7.html
8 55 0.37% 127 0.01% /zid17.html
9 55 0.37% 242 0.02% /zid20.html
10 55 0.37% 121 0.01% /zid24.html
11 54 0.36% 102 0.01% /zid18.html
12 54 0.36% 135 0.01% /zid5.html
13 53 0.36% 366 0.04% /zid4.html
14 50 0.33% 105 0.01% /zid9.html
15 25 0.17% 28 0.00% /style.css
16 17 0.11% 59 0.01% /docs/200608Pres.htm
17 15 0.10% 2217 0.22% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
18 15 0.10% 30 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
19 13 0.09% 67 0.01% /docs/LEG2005.HTM
20 13 0.09% 91 0.01% /docs/zen.htm
21 13 0.09% 28 0.00% /zid6.html
22 12 0.08% 46 0.00% /docs/retire.htm
23 12 0.08% 36 0.00% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
24 11 0.07% 82 0.01% /docs/20070509Pres.htm
25 10 0.07% 288 0.03% /docs/eeoc.htm
26 9 0.06% 89 0.01% /2004.htm
27 9 0.06% 481 0.05% /docs/leg/3599legupdate2010final.pdf
28 8 0.05% 37954 3.85% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
29 8 0.05% 9 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
30 7 0.05% 795 0.08% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf

Top 10 of 120 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11936 79.97% 908476 92.20% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 8 0.05% 37954 3.85% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
3 3 0.02% 7491 0.76% /docs/DOC112216-11222016183005.pdf
4 1 0.01% 3742 0.38% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
5 334 2.24% 2562 0.26% /
6 15 0.10% 2217 0.22% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
7 3 0.02% 2080 0.21% /z2002cba.htm
8 2 0.01% 1322 0.13% /docs/20100522letter0605.pdf
9 2 0.01% 1011 0.10% /docs/2007AnnualMeeting.pdf
10 7 0.05% 795 0.08% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf

Top 10 of 13 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11936 79.97% 71 73.20% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 334 2.24% 11 11.34% /
3 53 0.36% 3 3.09% /zid4.html
4 55 0.37% 2 2.06% /zid24.html
5 50 0.33% 2 2.06% /zid9.html
6 10 0.07% 1 1.03% /docs/eeoc.htm
7 6 0.04% 1 1.03% /docs/special20090123.htm
8 3 0.02% 1 1.03% /stats/usage_201804.html
9 3 0.02% 1 1.03% /stats/usage_202006.html
10 54 0.36% 1 1.03% /zid18.html

Top 10 of 16 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11936 79.97% 66 67.35% /stats/usage_201110.html
2 334 2.24% 11 11.22% /
3 53 0.36% 3 3.06% /zid4.html
4 55 0.37% 2 2.04% /zid17.html
5 54 0.36% 2 2.04% /zid18.html
6 55 0.37% 2 2.04% /zid24.html
7 59 0.40% 2 2.04% /zid7.html
8 50 0.33% 2 2.04% /zid9.html
9 17 0.11% 1 1.02% /docs/200608Pres.htm
10 10 0.07% 1 1.02% /docs/eeoc.htm

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 12740 85.35% 11412 85.69% 845573 85.82% 96 85.71%
2 2186 14.65% 1905 14.31% 139764 14.18% 16 14.29%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 12740 85.35% 11412 85.69% 845573 85.82% 96 85.71%
2 2186 14.65% 1905 14.31% 139764 14.18% 16 14.29%

Usage by Country for November 2020

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 12740 85.35% 11412 85.69% 845573 85.82% unresolved
2 2186 14.65% 1905 14.31% 139764 14.18% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01