Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2024
Generated 01-Aug-2024 00:00 MDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2024
Total Hits 274253
Total Files 265867
Total Pages 271545
Total Visits 14
Total KBytes 5449335
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 407
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 368 1567
Hits per Day 8846 13316
Files per Day 8576 13011
Pages per Day 8759 13261
Visits per Day 0 3
KBytes per Day 175785 276558
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 265867
Code 206 - Partial Content 190
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 20
Code 304 - Not Modified 104
Code 403 - Forbidden 20
Code 404 - Not Found 8051
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 1

Daily usage for July 2024

Daily Statistics for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 4708 1.72% 3888 1.46% 4661 1.72% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 75860 1.39%
2 3314 1.21% 1371 0.52% 2951 1.09% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 113702 2.09%
3 1276 0.47% 978 0.37% 1203 0.44% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 78792 1.45%
4 1672 0.61% 1038 0.39% 1616 0.60% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 84657 1.55%
5 1690 0.62% 1299 0.49% 1635 0.60% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 85590 1.57%
6 2688 0.98% 2269 0.85% 2589 0.95% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 133801 2.46%
7 10305 3.76% 10007 3.76% 10133 3.73% 2 14.29% 2 100.00% 209442 3.84%
8 12888 4.70% 12796 4.81% 12798 4.71% 2 14.29% 2 100.00% 276475 5.07%
9 13285 4.84% 12516 4.71% 13022 4.80% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 254209 4.66%
10 12228 4.46% 12109 4.55% 12162 4.48% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 207206 3.80%
11 12330 4.50% 12014 4.52% 12197 4.49% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 233604 4.29%
12 10929 3.99% 10866 4.09% 10864 4.00% 2 14.29% 1 50.00% 165639 3.04%
13 12157 4.43% 12112 4.56% 12103 4.46% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 206551 3.79%
14 12781 4.66% 12396 4.66% 12673 4.67% 2 14.29% 2 100.00% 239965 4.40%
15 12767 4.66% 12717 4.78% 12697 4.68% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 250094 4.59%
16 13187 4.81% 12862 4.84% 13141 4.84% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 261851 4.81%
17 13316 4.86% 13011 4.89% 13261 4.88% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 271460 4.98%
18 12617 4.60% 12564 4.73% 12570 4.63% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 246287 4.52%
19 13070 4.77% 13010 4.89% 13003 4.79% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 276558 5.08%
20 12645 4.61% 12567 4.73% 12609 4.64% 2 14.29% 2 100.00% 246710 4.53%
21 12213 4.45% 12176 4.58% 12174 4.48% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 231244 4.24%
22 12484 4.55% 12426 4.67% 12414 4.57% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 243508 4.47%
23 11908 4.34% 11832 4.45% 11831 4.36% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 203611 3.74%
24 11049 4.03% 10982 4.13% 10972 4.04% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 165758 3.04%
25 10426 3.80% 10368 3.90% 10350 3.81% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 129260 2.37%
26 10564 3.85% 10483 3.94% 10515 3.87% 2 14.29% 2 100.00% 147142 2.70%
27 10294 3.75% 10238 3.85% 10231 3.77% 2 14.29% 2 100.00% 126347 2.32%
28 2142 0.78% 2093 0.79% 2081 0.77% 3 21.43% 1 50.00% 68418 1.26%
29 850 0.31% 641 0.24% 798 0.29% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 48107 0.88%
30 1263 0.46% 1100 0.41% 1147 0.42% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 82555 1.51%
31 1207 0.44% 1138 0.43% 1144 0.42% 1 7.14% 1 50.00% 84932 1.56%

Hourly usage for July 2024

Hourly Statistics for July 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 382 11872 4.33% 380 11797 4.44% 379 11753 4.33% 8765 271730 4.99%
1 380 11793 4.30% 376 11673 4.39% 377 11705 4.31% 8018 248555 4.56%
2 376 11668 4.25% 371 11505 4.33% 372 11545 4.25% 7592 235354 4.32%
3 387 12009 4.38% 365 11332 4.26% 382 11852 4.36% 7925 245672 4.51%
4 383 11876 4.33% 355 11024 4.15% 380 11795 4.34% 7780 241192 4.43%
5 362 11247 4.10% 357 11075 4.17% 360 11171 4.11% 7656 237321 4.36%
6 370 11481 4.19% 367 11380 4.28% 367 11390 4.19% 7265 225218 4.13%
7 373 11565 4.22% 369 11439 4.30% 370 11488 4.23% 7149 221627 4.07%
8 368 11415 4.16% 366 11353 4.27% 366 11351 4.18% 7554 234161 4.30%
9 364 11291 4.12% 359 11144 4.19% 360 11162 4.11% 7404 229533 4.21%
10 363 11268 4.11% 355 11015 4.14% 358 11126 4.10% 7204 223329 4.10%
11 361 11200 4.08% 353 10953 4.12% 359 11130 4.10% 7044 218355 4.01%
12 347 10768 3.93% 337 10456 3.93% 344 10676 3.93% 6907 214122 3.93%
13 350 10868 3.96% 339 10522 3.96% 347 10758 3.96% 6750 209256 3.84%
14 352 10939 3.99% 348 10801 4.06% 350 10851 4.00% 6811 211127 3.87%
15 400 12428 4.53% 344 10687 4.02% 398 12346 4.55% 6372 197530 3.62%
16 349 10840 3.95% 342 10622 4.00% 348 10788 3.97% 6555 203209 3.73%
17 366 11361 4.14% 342 10626 4.00% 359 11148 4.11% 5984 185515 3.40%
18 366 11375 4.15% 350 10865 4.09% 355 11030 4.06% 7132 221103 4.06%
19 352 10921 3.98% 347 10780 4.05% 348 10817 3.98% 6959 215727 3.96%
20 353 10968 4.00% 350 10869 4.09% 350 10851 4.00% 6660 206473 3.79%
21 363 11280 4.11% 361 11211 4.22% 361 11191 4.12% 7721 239358 4.39%
22 391 12147 4.43% 367 11396 4.29% 388 12049 4.44% 8281 256725 4.71%
23 376 11673 4.26% 365 11342 4.27% 373 11572 4.26% 8295 257145 4.72%

Top 30 of 407 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 212467 77.47% 1638840 30.07% /
2 25182 9.18% 1467041 26.92% /stats/usage_202407.html
3 19379 7.07% 1474980 27.07% /stats/usage_201110.html
4 6437 2.35% 443516 8.14% /stats/usage_202308.html
5 67 0.02% 317 0.01% /zmain.htm
6 60 0.02% 7185 0.13% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf
7 54 0.02% 112 0.00% /zid24.html
8 52 0.02% 59 0.00% /style.css
9 49 0.02% 155 0.00% /zid8.html
10 47 0.02% 83 0.00% /zid9.html
11 44 0.02% 435 0.01% /stats/
12 43 0.02% 96 0.00% /zid17.html
13 42 0.02% 62 0.00% /zid18.html
14 41 0.01% 172 0.00% /zid28.html
15 40 0.01% 90 0.00% /zid5.html
16 39 0.01% 40 0.00% /zid23.html
17 37 0.01% 96 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
18 37 0.01% 152 0.00% /zid20.html
19 37 0.01% 175 0.00% /zid7.html
20 34 0.01% 161304 2.96% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
21 33 0.01% 35 0.00% /docs/special20090123.htm
22 33 0.01% 118 0.00% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
23 33 0.01% 190 0.00% /docs/zen.htm
24 33 0.01% 218 0.00% /zid4.html
25 31 0.01% 9185 0.17% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
26 30 0.01% 111 0.00% /docs/200608Pres.htm
27 29 0.01% 1727 0.03% /docs/1187.pdf
28 27 0.01% 185 0.00% /docs/20070509Pres.htm
29 26 0.01% 720 0.01% /docs/eeoc.htm
30 25 0.01% 93540 1.72% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf

Top 10 of 407 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 212467 77.47% 1638840 30.07% /
2 19379 7.07% 1474980 27.07% /stats/usage_201110.html
3 25182 9.18% 1467041 26.92% /stats/usage_202407.html
4 6437 2.35% 443516 8.14% /stats/usage_202308.html
5 34 0.01% 161304 2.96% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
6 25 0.01% 93540 1.72% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
7 16 0.01% 39951 0.73% /docs/DOC112216-11222016183005.pdf
8 31 0.01% 9185 0.17% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
9 18 0.01% 9098 0.17% /docs/2007AnnualMeeting.pdf
10 60 0.02% 7185 0.13% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf

Top 3 of 3 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 212467 77.47% 10 71.43% /
2 19379 7.07% 3 21.43% /stats/usage_201110.html
3 5 0.00% 1 7.14% /stats/usage_202201.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 212467 77.47% 8 66.67% /
2 19379 7.07% 4 33.33% /stats/usage_201110.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 226476 82.58% 219398 82.52% 4524862 83.04% 9 64.29%
2 47777 17.42% 46659 17.55% 924473 16.96% 5 35.71%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 226476 82.58% 219398 82.52% 4524862 83.04% 9 64.29%
2 47777 17.42% 46659 17.55% 924473 16.96% 5 35.71%

Usage by Country for July 2024

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 226476 82.58% 219398 82.52% 4524862 83.04% unresolved
2 47777 17.42% 46659 17.55% 924473 16.96% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01