Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2016
Generated 01-May-2016 00:00 MDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2016
Total Hits 5082
Total Files 4114
Total Pages 3623
Total Visits 498
Total KBytes 461673
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 106
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 7 85
Hits per Day 169 280
Files per Day 137 216
Pages per Day 120 208
Visits per Day 16 22
KBytes per Day 15389 41853
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 4114
Code 206 - Partial Content 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 31
Code 404 - Not Found 936

Daily usage for April 2016

Daily Statistics for April 2016
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 170 3.35% 146 3.55% 134 3.70% 18 3.61% 1 50.00% 19530 4.23%
2 152 2.99% 129 3.14% 105 2.90% 22 4.42% 1 50.00% 12100 2.62%
3 90 1.77% 64 1.56% 59 1.63% 15 3.01% 1 50.00% 4860 1.05%
4 128 2.52% 88 2.14% 80 2.21% 14 2.81% 1 50.00% 26088 5.65%
5 204 4.01% 181 4.40% 158 4.36% 17 3.41% 1 50.00% 9686 2.10%
6 148 2.91% 126 3.06% 126 3.48% 16 3.21% 1 50.00% 8878 1.92%
7 165 3.25% 99 2.41% 102 2.82% 17 3.41% 1 50.00% 13579 2.94%
8 164 3.23% 142 3.45% 112 3.09% 15 3.01% 1 50.00% 17057 3.69%
9 106 2.09% 86 2.09% 78 2.15% 16 3.21% 1 50.00% 10198 2.21%
10 128 2.52% 91 2.21% 85 2.35% 21 4.22% 1 50.00% 6843 1.48%
11 195 3.84% 139 3.38% 140 3.86% 19 3.82% 1 50.00% 14595 3.16%
12 249 4.90% 216 5.25% 186 5.13% 13 2.61% 1 50.00% 28850 6.25%
13 227 4.47% 199 4.84% 153 4.22% 20 4.02% 1 50.00% 10671 2.31%
14 170 3.35% 151 3.67% 128 3.53% 18 3.61% 1 50.00% 11138 2.41%
15 175 3.44% 151 3.67% 144 3.97% 16 3.21% 1 50.00% 16589 3.59%
16 280 5.51% 196 4.76% 208 5.74% 18 3.61% 1 50.00% 12278 2.66%
17 250 4.92% 193 4.69% 186 5.13% 19 3.82% 1 50.00% 31158 6.75%
18 124 2.44% 87 2.11% 79 2.18% 19 3.82% 1 50.00% 8769 1.90%
19 223 4.39% 204 4.96% 177 4.89% 7 1.41% 1 50.00% 13646 2.96%
20 133 2.62% 113 2.75% 98 2.70% 20 4.02% 1 50.00% 15740 3.41%
21 178 3.50% 154 3.74% 135 3.73% 15 3.01% 1 50.00% 13481 2.92%
22 150 2.95% 118 2.87% 85 2.35% 15 3.01% 1 50.00% 4895 1.06%
23 217 4.27% 180 4.38% 164 4.53% 17 3.41% 1 50.00% 41853 9.07%
24 138 2.72% 107 2.60% 89 2.46% 19 3.82% 1 50.00% 14200 3.08%
25 155 3.05% 128 3.11% 119 3.28% 21 4.22% 1 50.00% 14912 3.23%
26 184 3.62% 163 3.96% 136 3.75% 20 4.02% 1 50.00% 13654 2.96%
27 173 3.40% 134 3.26% 105 2.90% 12 2.41% 1 50.00% 34446 7.46%
28 183 3.60% 154 3.74% 112 3.09% 17 3.41% 1 50.00% 12581 2.72%
29 113 2.22% 88 2.14% 61 1.68% 16 3.21% 1 50.00% 12123 2.63%
30 110 2.16% 87 2.11% 79 2.18% 16 3.21% 1 50.00% 7279 1.58%

Hourly usage for April 2016

Hourly Statistics for April 2016
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 9 288 5.67% 8 245 5.96% 7 232 6.40% 1036 31083 6.73%
1 6 190 3.74% 4 147 3.57% 4 134 3.70% 542 16246 3.52%
2 8 257 5.06% 7 228 5.54% 7 212 5.85% 489 14666 3.18%
3 4 121 2.38% 3 97 2.36% 2 73 2.01% 642 19247 4.17%
4 9 277 5.45% 7 227 5.52% 7 224 6.18% 1302 39073 8.46%
5 4 145 2.85% 3 106 2.58% 2 82 2.26% 416 12476 2.70%
6 6 198 3.90% 4 134 3.26% 4 122 3.37% 606 18166 3.93%
7 7 229 4.51% 5 169 4.11% 5 152 4.20% 1387 41602 9.01%
8 10 314 6.18% 9 270 6.56% 7 227 6.27% 856 25678 5.56%
9 9 279 5.49% 7 235 5.71% 6 194 5.35% 654 19629 4.25%
10 7 210 4.13% 5 177 4.30% 4 133 3.67% 581 17418 3.77%
11 4 138 2.72% 3 107 2.60% 2 74 2.04% 372 11159 2.42%
12 6 205 4.03% 6 181 4.40% 5 155 4.28% 381 11442 2.48%
13 6 204 4.01% 5 172 4.18% 5 154 4.25% 932 27960 6.06%
14 6 193 3.80% 4 148 3.60% 4 146 4.03% 724 21708 4.70%
15 6 198 3.90% 4 145 3.52% 3 114 3.15% 678 20337 4.41%
16 6 193 3.80% 5 161 3.91% 4 121 3.34% 733 21994 4.76%
17 5 155 3.05% 4 123 2.99% 3 104 2.87% 424 12724 2.76%
18 8 254 5.00% 7 227 5.52% 6 199 5.49% 391 11740 2.54%
19 7 224 4.41% 6 183 4.45% 5 177 4.89% 265 7948 1.72%
20 5 161 3.17% 4 126 3.06% 3 112 3.09% 194 5831 1.26%
21 8 253 4.98% 7 218 5.30% 6 209 5.77% 848 25444 5.51%
22 5 159 3.13% 4 121 2.94% 3 110 3.04% 168 5054 1.09%
23 7 237 4.66% 5 167 4.06% 5 163 4.50% 768 23048 4.99%

Top 30 of 106 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 780 15.35% 5857 1.27% /
2 778 15.31% 59215 12.83% /stats/usage_201110.html
3 753 14.82% 49034 10.62% /stats/usage_201604.html
4 157 3.09% 1534 0.33% /stats/
5 138 2.72% 156 0.03% /style.css
6 126 2.48% 591 0.13% /zmain.htm
7 43 0.85% 28419 6.16% /docs/20100522letter0605.pdf
8 42 0.83% 28424 6.16% /z2002cba.htm
9 40 0.79% 5297 1.15% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf
10 40 0.79% 74 0.02% /zid18.html
11 37 0.73% 5677 1.23% /docs/sites/Miami2007.pdf
12 35 0.69% 166048 35.97% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
13 35 0.69% 219 0.05% /zid4.html
14 35 0.69% 122 0.03% /zid8.html
15 34 0.67% 72 0.02% /zid24.html
16 32 0.63% 71 0.02% /zid17.html
17 31 0.61% 134 0.03% /zid20.html
18 31 0.61% 62 0.01% /zid9.html
19 30 0.59% 29 0.01% /zid23.html
20 29 0.57% 140 0.03% /zid7.html
21 28 0.55% 777 0.17% /docs/eeoc.htm
22 28 0.55% 116 0.03% /docs/retire.htm
23 27 0.53% 60 0.01% /zid5.html
24 25 0.49% 108 0.02% /zid28.html
25 24 0.47% 66 0.01% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
26 23 0.45% 162 0.03% /docs/zen.htm
27 20 0.39% 197 0.04% /2004.htm
28 20 0.39% 20 0.00% /docs/special20090123.htm
29 20 0.39% 33 0.01% /ratification.htm
30 19 0.37% 1643 0.36% /docs/leg/2013-Local3599FightsSequeste.pdf

Top 10 of 106 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 35 0.69% 166048 35.97% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
2 18 0.35% 67349 14.59% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
3 778 15.31% 59215 12.83% /stats/usage_201110.html
4 753 14.82% 49034 10.62% /stats/usage_201604.html
5 42 0.83% 28424 6.16% /z2002cba.htm
6 43 0.85% 28419 6.16% /docs/20100522letter0605.pdf
7 13 0.26% 6571 1.42% /docs/2007AnnualMeeting.pdf
8 780 15.35% 5857 1.27% /
9 37 0.73% 5677 1.23% /docs/sites/Miami2007.pdf
10 40 0.79% 5297 1.15% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf

Top 10 of 38 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 780 15.35% 185 44.26% /
2 778 15.31% 71 16.99% /stats/usage_201110.html
3 753 14.82% 31 7.42% /stats/usage_201604.html
4 42 0.83% 11 2.63% /z2002cba.htm
5 34 0.67% 11 2.63% /zid24.html
6 31 0.61% 9 2.15% /zid9.html
7 126 2.48% 9 2.15% /zmain.htm
8 28 0.55% 7 1.67% /docs/retire.htm
9 35 0.69% 7 1.67% /zid4.html
10 24 0.47% 6 1.44% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm

Top 10 of 38 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 780 15.35% 157 36.77% /
2 778 15.31% 80 18.74% /stats/usage_201110.html
3 753 14.82% 48 11.24% /stats/usage_201604.html
4 126 2.48% 25 5.85% /zmain.htm
5 24 0.47% 9 2.11% /docs/sites/Miami2006.htm
6 35 0.69% 8 1.87% /zid4.html
7 18 0.35% 7 1.64% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
8 20 0.39% 7 1.64% /ratification.htm
9 40 0.79% 7 1.64% /zid18.html
10 28 0.55% 6 1.41% /docs/eeoc.htm

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4932 97.05% 3997 97.16% 456778 98.94% 483 96.99%
2 150 2.95% 118 2.87% 4895 1.06% 15 3.01%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4932 97.05% 3997 97.16% 456778 98.94% 483 96.99%
2 150 2.95% 118 2.87% 4895 1.06% 15 3.01%

Usage by Country for April 2016

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 4932 97.05% 3997 97.16% 456778 98.94% unresolved
2 150 2.95% 118 2.87% 4895 1.06% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01