Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2023
Generated 01-Nov-2023 00:00 MDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2023
Total Hits 149945
Total Files 147257
Total Pages 148056
Total Visits 8
Total KBytes 9812377
Total Unique Sites 2
Total Unique URLs 210
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 201 417
Hits per Day 4836 8048
Files per Day 4750 8001
Pages per Day 4776 7992
Visits per Day 0 2
KBytes per Day 316528 566302
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 147257
Code 206 - Partial Content 70
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 15
Code 304 - Not Modified 58
Code 403 - Forbidden 12
Code 404 - Not Found 2533

Daily usage for October 2023

Daily Statistics for October 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2245 1.50% 2233 1.52% 2224 1.50% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 159366 1.62%
2 1952 1.30% 1873 1.27% 1898 1.28% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 137240 1.40%
3 2179 1.45% 1950 1.32% 2119 1.43% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 117299 1.20%
4 2502 1.67% 2459 1.67% 2449 1.65% 2 25.00% 1 50.00% 168674 1.72%
5 3245 2.16% 3169 2.15% 3149 2.13% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 225524 2.30%
6 3100 2.07% 3064 2.08% 3051 2.06% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 203668 2.08%
7 3506 2.34% 3484 2.37% 3477 2.35% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 244246 2.49%
8 3362 2.24% 3317 2.25% 3316 2.24% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 230724 2.35%
9 2708 1.81% 2685 1.82% 2666 1.80% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 196086 2.00%
10 3138 2.09% 3080 2.09% 3076 2.08% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 220613 2.25%
11 3688 2.46% 3606 2.45% 3597 2.43% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 254543 2.59%
12 3050 2.03% 2932 1.99% 2994 2.02% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 206878 2.11%
13 2553 1.70% 2471 1.68% 2459 1.66% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 167843 1.71%
14 3009 2.01% 2952 2.00% 2972 2.01% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 202205 2.06%
15 4227 2.82% 4140 2.81% 4135 2.79% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 281098 2.86%
16 2848 1.90% 2808 1.91% 2800 1.89% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 205121 2.09%
17 2722 1.82% 2687 1.82% 2672 1.80% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 184432 1.88%
18 4915 3.28% 4878 3.31% 4863 3.28% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 323365 3.30%
19 7984 5.32% 7933 5.39% 7933 5.36% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 514316 5.24%
20 7916 5.28% 7854 5.33% 7864 5.31% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 514534 5.24%
21 7491 5.00% 7454 5.06% 7435 5.02% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 500560 5.10%
22 7643 5.10% 7491 5.09% 7554 5.10% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 501626 5.11%
23 7335 4.89% 7282 4.95% 7254 4.90% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 490700 5.00%
24 7302 4.87% 7213 4.90% 7220 4.88% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 416432 4.24%
25 6054 4.04% 6034 4.10% 6018 4.06% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 340095 3.47%
26 6235 4.16% 6162 4.18% 6164 4.16% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 345906 3.53%
27 7529 5.02% 7487 5.08% 7480 5.05% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 452624 4.61%
28 7697 5.13% 7603 5.16% 7596 5.13% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 538669 5.49%
29 8048 5.37% 8001 5.43% 7992 5.40% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 566302 5.77%
30 7410 4.94% 7347 4.99% 7363 4.97% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 521364 5.31%
31 6352 4.24% 5608 3.81% 6266 4.23% 1 12.50% 1 50.00% 380326 3.88%

Hourly usage for October 2023

Hourly Statistics for October 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 196 6087 4.06% 193 6009 4.08% 194 6041 4.08% 13075 405318 4.13%
1 204 6340 4.23% 202 6283 4.27% 202 6274 4.24% 13418 415947 4.24%
2 196 6090 4.06% 194 6039 4.10% 194 6040 4.08% 12898 399849 4.07%
3 199 6184 4.12% 195 6072 4.12% 196 6080 4.11% 13221 409846 4.18%
4 198 6166 4.11% 197 6118 4.15% 197 6113 4.13% 13459 417234 4.25%
5 200 6217 4.15% 197 6134 4.17% 197 6135 4.14% 13454 417088 4.25%
6 201 6245 4.16% 198 6140 4.17% 197 6129 4.14% 13127 406928 4.15%
7 196 6084 4.06% 194 6036 4.10% 194 6019 4.07% 12888 399529 4.07%
8 200 6202 4.14% 197 6113 4.15% 197 6120 4.13% 12978 402308 4.10%
9 194 6031 4.02% 192 5968 4.05% 192 5970 4.03% 12674 392908 4.00%
10 190 5917 3.95% 188 5841 3.97% 188 5850 3.95% 12597 390520 3.98%
11 198 6157 4.11% 195 6069 4.12% 195 6062 4.09% 13123 406817 4.15%
12 205 6362 4.24% 202 6271 4.26% 202 6278 4.24% 13323 413024 4.21%
13 205 6376 4.25% 202 6282 4.27% 203 6301 4.26% 13345 413695 4.22%
14 206 6414 4.28% 201 6235 4.23% 201 6259 4.23% 13645 422988 4.31%
15 203 6322 4.22% 198 6153 4.18% 201 6249 4.22% 13320 412934 4.21%
16 202 6273 4.18% 198 6160 4.18% 199 6176 4.17% 13450 416964 4.25%
17 201 6248 4.17% 197 6130 4.16% 199 6183 4.18% 13219 409791 4.18%
18 200 6202 4.14% 196 6080 4.13% 198 6156 4.16% 12826 397599 4.05%
19 201 6257 4.17% 196 6097 4.14% 198 6167 4.17% 12862 398721 4.06%
20 207 6423 4.28% 200 6227 4.23% 202 6288 4.25% 13279 411660 4.20%
21 203 6300 4.20% 200 6204 4.21% 202 6268 4.23% 13470 417565 4.26%
22 213 6625 4.42% 203 6316 4.29% 210 6510 4.40% 13497 418405 4.26%
23 207 6423 4.28% 202 6280 4.26% 206 6388 4.31% 13379 414738 4.23%

Top 30 of 210 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 72568 48.40% 4717136 48.07% /stats/usage_202310.html
2 29758 19.85% 2114504 21.55% /stats/usage_202309.html
3 24707 16.48% 1880507 19.16% /stats/usage_201110.html
4 6276 4.19% 48247 0.49% /
5 5932 3.96% 404871 4.13% /stats/usage_202307.html
6 5352 3.57% 367929 3.75% /stats/usage_202304.html
7 814 0.54% 52788 0.54% /stats/usage_202308.html
8 69 0.05% 78 0.00% /style.css
9 69 0.05% 342 0.00% /zmain.htm
10 50 0.03% 115 0.00% /zid17.html
11 50 0.03% 51 0.00% /zid23.html
12 47 0.03% 152 0.00% /zid8.html
13 47 0.03% 98 0.00% /zid9.html
14 46 0.03% 112 0.00% /zid5.html
15 44 0.03% 3032 0.03% /stats/usage_202306.html
16 43 0.03% 185 0.00% /zid28.html
17 42 0.03% 5429 0.06% /docs/20100522-RFI.pdf
18 42 0.03% 89 0.00% /zid24.html
19 39 0.03% 166 0.00% /zid20.html
20 38 0.03% 70 0.00% /zid18.html
21 38 0.03% 260 0.00% /zid4.html
22 36 0.02% 180 0.00% /zid7.html
23 29 0.02% 197 0.00% /docs/zen.htm
24 28 0.02% 30 0.00% /docs/special20090123.htm
25 27 0.02% 30 0.00% /docs/sites/Miami.htm
26 24 0.02% 89 0.00% /docs/200608Pres.htm
27 24 0.02% 6968 0.07% /docs/sites/2008TheMiamiOffice.pdf
28 24 0.02% 86 0.00% /docs/wherewestand3599-09.htm
29 23 0.02% 87 0.00% /docs/retire.htm
30 22 0.01% 148 0.00% /docs/20070509Pres.htm

Top 10 of 210 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 72568 48.40% 4717136 48.07% /stats/usage_202310.html
2 29758 19.85% 2114504 21.55% /stats/usage_202309.html
3 24707 16.48% 1880507 19.16% /stats/usage_201110.html
4 5932 3.96% 404871 4.13% /stats/usage_202307.html
5 5352 3.57% 367929 3.75% /stats/usage_202304.html
6 13 0.01% 61675 0.63% /docs/2007-3599constitutionamended.pdf
7 814 0.54% 52788 0.54% /stats/usage_202308.html
8 13 0.01% 48641 0.50% /docs/2007electioncertification.pdf
9 6276 4.19% 48247 0.49% /
10 11 0.01% 27466 0.28% /docs/DOC112216-11222016183005.pdf

Top 4 of 4 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 29758 19.85% 3 37.50% /stats/usage_202309.html
2 72568 48.40% 3 37.50% /stats/usage_202310.html
3 5352 3.57% 1 12.50% /stats/usage_202304.html
4 5932 3.96% 1 12.50% /stats/usage_202307.html

Top 4 of 4 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 29758 19.85% 3 42.86% /stats/usage_202309.html
2 72568 48.40% 2 28.57% /stats/usage_202310.html
3 24707 16.48% 1 14.29% /stats/usage_201110.html
4 5932 3.96% 1 14.29% /stats/usage_202307.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 123306 82.23% 120917 82.11% 8156362 83.12% 5 62.50%
2 26639 17.77% 26410 17.93% 1656015 16.88% 3 37.50%

Top 2 of 2 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 123306 82.23% 120917 82.11% 8156362 83.12% 5 62.50%
2 26639 17.77% 26410 17.93% 1656015 16.88% 3 37.50%

Usage by Country for October 2023

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 123306 82.23% 120917 82.11% 8156362 83.12% unresolved
2 26639 17.77% 26410 17.93% 1656015 16.88% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01